The Explorers Club is an international organization dedicated to the advancement of field exploration and scientific inquiry. The club members include the Famous First as stated by the plaque near the entrance to the club’s headquarters.

Jim and Pat were inducted as Fellows to The Explorers Club in 2020. Since their induction they have been very involved in the Chicago/Great Lakes Chapter. They have done several presentations for their local chapter and have attended several in-person events.

Every year they attend ECAD, The Explorers Club Annual Dinner Weekend in Manhattan, NY.  Due to the pandemic, ECAD was canceled.  In 2022, the weekend consisted of a reception of the new members at the Explorers Club headquarters in Manhattan, NY. It was a wonderful time to tour the headquarters which is a museum of Exploration. On Saturday was the annual dinner where they met explorers from all over the world and caught up with some of their closest friends. One of their highlights of the evening was taking a simulation ride in the Blue Origin Capsule.

The theme for ECAD in 2024 was Space. Jim and Pat had the opportunity to spend time with several of the astronauts in attendance. They also had a chance to sit in the Lunar Rover. It was a weekend full of meetings, presentations, and receptions. New friends and connections were made, and time was spent with old dear friends.

For more information on the Explorers Club click here to visit their Website